Lubavitch Senior Girls' School


Exams at LSGS

The girls of Lubavitch Senior Girls' School achieve very pleasing results in the GCSE exams taken at the end of Years 10 and 11, and the GCE Advanced and Advanced Supplementary Level, taken at the end of Year 11 and the Sixth Form.  
Our pupils sit GCSEs in English, Mathematics, Science, History, Modern Hebrew, Religious Studies, Biblical Hebrew  results.pngand Art. At LSGS we start some GCSE courses in Year 9 to ensure all students are given the best chance to achieve their potential by Year 11.

This year (2022/23) our Progress 8 score was 1.35 and 65%, of girls obtained a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and Maths. 

At AS and A level, we offer English, Maths, History, Biblical Hebrew, Accounting and Art, and other subjects can be arranged as per students requests. 

 National Exams

School and college performance data for the 2022/2023 academic year should be used with caution:
  • In 2022/23, qualifications returned to pre-pandemic standards. Performance measures that are based on qualification results will reflect this, and cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/2022.
  • There are ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools, colleges and pupils differently.


For more information and LSGS performance tables please click here 

congratulations letter lubavitch senior girls .pdf



Performance Measure 2022/23 



Progress 8 score



Attainment 8 score



Percentage of pupils achieving a pass (L4+) in English and Mathematics


Percentage of pupils achieving a good pass (L5+) in English and Mathematics 65% 45%
Percentage of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate 40% 39%

The EBacc average points score calculates a pupil's average point scores across the 5 pillars of the English Baccalaureate.

5.28 4.05

Percentage of pupils achieving the English Baccalaureate at grade 5/C or above



Student destinations - Education and employment after key stage 4 (2021 leavers)






KS5 Results

For more information on 16-18 results please click here.
Progress Points Per Pupil Average Grade Maths progress 
English progress
LSGS - 50.23 A - -
English Schools - 38.87 B - -

2019 leavers 21%

2021 leavers 18%

The majority of pupils from LSGS go on to Jewish seminaries, a type of school that offers education in Jewish studies, across the world.

Destinations in more detail can be found here


All students complete their programme of study.

Pupils staying from Year 11 to Year 13


Current Year 13 (graduating 2024).  9/14

Previous Year 13 (graduating 2023) 19/20


Exam Information

Lubavitch Senior Girls School is a JCQ recognised Centre for exams.
AM GCSEs begin at 9:30am and PM at 1:30pm.
For information about Exams please click here .
For further information please email admin. 


School Performance can be found by  clicking here