LSGS aims to offer immediate remote education in the event that a student is required to self-isolate in line with Department of Education expectations.
Our aim is to set meaningful and ambitious classwork, provide access to high quality resources and use our online tools to offer access to live classes as much as possible. The school will continue to follow the planned curriculum.
The school timetable will remain the same for students at school or isolating. Students at home can access live teaching through Zoom. In the rare exceptions where this is not possible students will be provided with learning that is expected to be of equivalent challenge and length to that which they would receive at school.
In addition to Zoom lessons, teachers will enable communication through Google Classroom to support the student.
Expectations for blended learning take into account teacher workload as well as ease of access to materials for students and staff.
Staff and students will continue to implement safe use of the internet as laid out in the ‘Acceptable Use of IT’ policy which was issued alongside the Home-School agreement.
- Students accessing lessons on Zooms are expected to behave in a responsible, respectful and considerate manner. They should not take control of the screen or allow anyone else to enter the lesson.
- Students should be dressed in a tznius fashion.
- Cameras should be switched on. Microphones must be switched off unless a student is invited to contribute to the lesson by the class teacher.
- Students should be fully equipped for all lessons as if they were in school.
- Any student who behaves in a disruptive manner or uses the chat function inappropriately whilst accessing learning on line will be removed from that lesson. The usual consequence for a disruption will be applied.
- Students should be in a setting conducive to learning and free from interruption.
- Links to lessons may not be shared with anyone outside of LSGS and may only be shared with those students who are usually in the scheduled lesson.
- Lessons may only be recorded by staff to ensure GDPR compliance. Students may not record lessons or use another device to record them.
The School’s code of conduct remains in place and any unacceptable behaviour will be investigated and sanctioned.
Use of inappropriate imagery or language within any IT platform affiliated with LSGS is not acceptable and will trigger a phone call to parents and an appropriate sanction.
NHS COVID-19 contact tracing app
We communicate regularly with Public Health advisors at both a local and national level. All school decisions are taken in line with their advice and we have shared all the measures we have in place with them.
We thank you for all your continued awareness, support and partnership
Reminder of how to recognise the symptoms of COVID-19. The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:
- new continuous cough and/or
- high temperature and/or
- a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
Common Cold and COVID Symptoms
Please can I ask all parents to keep this in mind and if you have any doubt, please do not send your child to school and email: or
Timetable Remote Learning Plan Remote Policy
Covid Risk Assessment Covid Risk Assessment Spread Sheet
- During lockdown work is uploaded onto the school’s Google Classroom page and live lessons are taught over Zoom.
- The timetable was reduced 50minute lessons to 40 minute lessons.
- Blended learning consisted of a mixture of live lessons taught via Zoom and written content uploaded to the Google Classroom.
- Students do not always have the usual access to the provision of one-to-one lessons or intervention that would have been provided normally in school.
- It was difficult to monitor and provide support to some FSM, PP and EHCP students. However, the SENDCO is in regular contact with them and LSAs work with their EHCP students.
- Not all students had equal access to technological provision at home but we try to support as many families as we can.
Google classroom
How to use Google Classroom
If you can not attend LSGS due to isolation work can be found on the home learning platform Google Classroom.
You can complete work and save/upload onto Google Classroom and teachers will give feedback.
If you can not access these platforms for any reason, please contact Admin and we will try and help you as best we can.
To upload work on an assignment, you can add it onto the Stream using the paperclip 'Add' button on the bottom left of the box you type in. Or, when you are on the classwork page, click on the top right where it says 'Add or create'. Here is where you can upload your learning. If you want to write out your work on a piece of paper, then take a photograph you can upload it using the paperclip logo followed by file and then simply add your chosen photo.
For infromation on how LSGS is planning final standardised assessed grades please click below