A basic principle of the Lubavitch Senior Girls School is that a pupil's progress depends greatly on the establishment of a genuine partnership between the pupil, the school and the parents. Great emphasis is placed on the development of such a partnership. Parents are welcome in the school and every effort is made to keep them informed of developments.
At LSGS it is our aim to work in partnership with our parents and carers to ensure every child is supported with their learning and is encouraged to achieve their full potential inside and outside of the classroom. We have developed a home school agreement policy to which we request your agreement and co-operation.
Open evenings for parents are held twice yearly when parents are able to review their daughter's progress, look at their daughter's work and discuss matters of concern and set targets for the future.
Should parents be concerned about their daughter's progress at any time, the school welcomes hearing from them. Should the school have any concerns regarding a pupil's progress, contact is made with the parents.
Contact with the school should be, in the first instance, with a head teacher, who then may wish to direct a parent to the relevant member of staff.
If, as parent of a pupil attending this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website, we shall provide this free of charge.