Lubavitch Senior Girls' School


The aims of the English Department at Lubavitch Senior Girls’ School are:

  • To enable every child to develop their creativity whilst learning the technical skills required for accurate writing
  • To enhance every child’s communication skills, both oral and written, for formal and informal purposes
  • To encourage every child to widen their reading and their appreciation of literature across different centuries and cultures


Key Stage 3 (KS3)

Pupils study the following units:

Keystage 3

Term 1

Black Beauty


Exploration of the novel’s characters and themes including animal rights. Introduction to poetic forms and different styles of poetry.


Poetry Spark


Term 2



Narrative structure in the novel Holes by Louis Sachar as well as an examination of characterisation. Poems by Mónica Alvi, Sujhata Bhatt and Tatmukala Afika


Poems from other cultures

Term 3



A taste of literary heritage of various writers including Shakespeare. Students learn about how to write their own autobiography.


Autobiographical unit


Term 1

Carrie’s War


Understanding the experience of evacuees and other themes in the novel. Reading and analysing Browning’s narrative ballad The Pied Piper.


Narrative Ballad


Term 2

Creative writing


Narrative structures and how to plan, structure and draft a short story.

Headlines, picture, caption and other aspects of layout.


Newspaper project

Term 3

Henry V


Exploration of the play genre. Shakespeare’s History play Henry V.  George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion an examination of dialect, social class and




Term 1

War Horse


Adapted for the stage by Nick Shaftner from the novel by Michal Morpurgo.

Comparing multiples poems based around a common theme


Comparative poetry

Term 2

Lord of the Flies


Novel by William Golding to develop analytical skills using a more challenging text.

Sensory writing inspired by a workshop activity.


Descriptive writing


Term 3

Julius Caesar


A taste of Julius Caesar preparation for examining the text at GCSE.

Non fiction writing based around a group expedition to the arctic


Arctic Adventure







AfL (Assessment for Learning) is used extensively in English. Pupils are issued with exercise books in order to draft their writing. Diagnostic feedback is given regularly as a result, pupil progress can clearly be seen at a glance. Peer assessment and self-assessment tasks are regularly used so students have the opportunity to check their progress and compare it with their peers. At the end of each unit, the work is teacher-assessed, using feedback sheets which focuses on the success criteria of the task. National Curriculum level can but are not always given, but pupils are informed of their progress through comments that focus on the positive aspects of their work and provide guidance for improvement.

Pupils are carefully tracked throughout KS3 to ensure that they are achieving their full potential. Small group and individual catch-up sessions are provided for those who need further assistance in making progress.


Keystage 4 GCSE English Language and Literature


Year 10



Term 1


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Term 2


English Lang Paper 2

Term 3

Lit & Lang

Animal Farm & Spoken Lang

Year 11



Term 1


Julius Caesar

Term 2


English Language paper 1

Term 3




Full SOW can be found for KS5